The Vision

``Raising a Generation for Christ`` - 1 Peter 2:9

Raising a Generation for Christ; 1Peter 2:9. Our vision is to raise a specie (kind) of believers that are unique and different, that will show forth the praises and glory of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvellous light (1Pet 2:9). This we intend to achieve through the teaching of the word of God and total dependence on the Holy Spirit to transform us by the renewal of our minds, that we might be conformed to the glorious image of His dear Son.

Our concern is that these unique believers are complete in Christ Jesus in words and deeds. Hence, our vision is anchored on what we termed THE SEVEN (7) PILLARS OF EL-SHADDAI MINISTRIES; we yield ourselves to our Lord Jesus Christ to build with us and though us:

Archbishop Ugon-Owaji E. H. Oyet-Ile

Founder, EL-SHADDAI Ministries Int’l Inc.

The Mission Mandate

“The Mission is achievable through the help of the Holy Spirit``

1. We are debtors to all nations, tribes and tongues of the world to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to them.

2. We desire to reach all nations, tribes of the world with the gospel to raise a generation for Christ from to all nations, tribes and tongues

Our History

This vine EL-SHADDAI Ministries Int’l Inc. was planted by God through his human vessel Archbishop Ugon-Owaji E. H. Oyet-Ile in August, 1985 as an Interdenominational Charismatic Christian fellowship.

His Grace, as a young Evangelist then, did settle to pioneer a work for the Lord in Abuja. He was on his way to Abuja in 1984 to start the work when the Lord spoke to him and asked him to return to Port Harcourt that He had a work for him to do in Port Harcourt. Like Apostle Paul, young Evangelist Hanson was not disobedient to the call; and with just Five Naira in his pocket, EL-SHADDAI Ministries Int’l Inc. commenced in Port Harcourt in a borrowed sitting room.

The church arm of El-Shaddai Ministries began in February 15, 1987, with the first worship service at the Port Harcourt City Council hall, Moscow Road, Port Harcourt. The Ministry grew rapidly and relocated to Aggrey Road and afterwards moved to # 2 Anokwuru Street, Mile I, Diobu Port Harcourt. In August 1999 the headquarters of the Ministry moved to Marine Base Housing Estate in Port Harcourt and maintained a branch church at # 2 Anokwuru Street Mile I, Diobu.

During this period of its existence, EL-SHADDAI Ministries has impacted positively on the lives of uncountable number of persons, raised leaders in the body of Christ, delivered the oppressed and led hundreds of thousands to Christ. The Ministry through its founding pastor amidst great persecutions taught, advocated and championed Christian participation in politics which today has opened the door for lots of born again Christians to participate and hold political offices.

The Ministry, since her decentralization, has planted a number of branches in Rivers and Bayelsa States. The drive for more branches within and outside of Nigeria is on.

On August 25, 2013 history was made when the founding cum pioneer pastor of the Ministry, the then General Overseer and Presiding Bishop, His Grace, Most Rev (Dr) Ugon-Owaji Elkanah Hanson Oyet-Ile by the instructions of the Holy Spirit handed over EL-SHADDAI Ministries Intl Inc. to Bishop Tubman Fiabema as the General Overseer and Presiding Bishop.

Since August 25, 2013 the Presiding Bishop and General Overseer of the Ministry, Bishop Tubman Fiabema has saddled the affairs of El-Shaddai Ministries Int’l Inc.,  and the Lord is taking the Ministry to greater heights. We trust the Lord that the glory of this later house (EL-SHADDAI Ministries Int’l Inc.) will be more than the former (Haggai 2:4-9).

In January, 2016 (Inauguration 2016) the Presiding Bishop and General Overseer of the Ministry Rt. Revd Tubman Fiabema unveiled what he called the vision for this phase of the work. He said the vision of the Ministry for this phase of the work is RAISING A GENERATION FOR CHRIST with the acronym “RAG FOR CHRIST”.